
Natural mint Mask form a facial glow

Saturday, November 24, 2012


We all have branded products available for facial masks. But at times it happens that it doesn’t suit your skin type or gives you rashes or itching. It happens because of the chemicals used. They don’t suit your skin type. This article shall tell you that how you can have a glowing fresh skin by sitting home and making your own facial home mask.

The indication of a good facial mask is that it’s meant for all skin types. Sensitive skins when prone to chemicals turn to its worst. Therefore, this homemade facial mask will help all, catering different skin types. Chemical ingredients harm the skin more than benefiting.

To extract more of the mint essence, use the water to brew the tea bag first, steeping for five minutes, then stir in the oat bran and proceed. A mint added green or black tea can also be used. Purifying Mint Mask


1/4 cup water

1 heaping tablespoon oat bran

a few drops of vanilla

1/4 cup fresh mint leaves

1 small egg white strained and slightly beaten


Stir the oat bran into the water and microwave one or two minutes. Stir and cool to near room temperature.

In a mini food processor or blender place the mint and egg white and process until pureed and homogenized, and then add the egg white and process again until blended.

Wash your face before using the masque and pat it dry. Cover the face and jaw with a thin layer of this and let dry, about 15- 20 minutes. Avoid the eye lids and the skin just next to it.

Wash off with warm water, and then follow with an ice cold pack or wet towel to close the pores.

This homemade facial skin has no side effects, no chemical crosses nor any flamating natured ingredient in it. It leaves the skin fresh, glowing and healthy.

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